Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico
Education - since 2008, we have provided more than 4,000 training sessions about transgender and non-binary people to every type of group and organization. We train correctional staff all over the United States and in New Mexico, as well as teachers, doctors, nurses, therapists, businesses, attorneys, students, faith communities, and even friend and family groups in people’s homes. In a typical week, we provide between 4 to 9 trainings and hired a part-time staff member to help grow the program. We also have a Transgender 201 training and a Pronouns and Gender Neutral Language Workshop!
Advocacy - TGRCNM is enlisted by all types of businesses, clinics, schools and other entities to assist them in creating transgender policy and/or strengthening their transgender inclusion. We can review and suggest revisions for intake forms, websites, job postings, employee handbooks, employee benefits and even physical spaces, especially bathroom access. We also have worked with our partners at Equality New Mexico twice to change state law successfully. In 2019, we updated the law that governs how people change the gender on their birth certificates. We eliminated the surgical requirement and added a third gender option, X (the X was subsequently added to the NM Drivers License that year and to the US passport in 2022). In 2023 we finally updated the name change law, getting rid of the outdated and unsafe publication requirement.
Direct Services - We assist transgender and non-binary people throughout New Mexico with name changes, ID documents, emergency financial assistance, trans specific items, counseling, non-medical case navigation, an online provider directory, support groups that meet in person and on zoom, and more. In Albuquerque we have a drop in center where we provide a shower facility, laundry, a permanent mailing address, long term storage, hot meals, ready to eat foods, computer access, and support from partner organizations like Healthcare for the Homeless and others. And in the spring of this year we opened our first transitional living program, Casa Lola. The house holds six residents and has been full since our first day, with a significant waiting list. Casa Lola is for adults who are residents of New Mexico. Folks can stay 12-18 months, with case navigation and access to wraparound services, as they work to obtain permanent housing.
📍 5600 Domingo Rd NE Albuquerque NM 87108